Stutland Volatility Group

Stutland Volatility Group provides option, concentrated position and diversified portfolio strategy consulting services to institutions, family offices and advisors seeking direction on overlay investment strategies. Stutland Volatility Group also provides comprehensive portfolio analysis and option overlay strategies for individuals who wish to take advantage of market changes in volatility.


fi360® is the recognized expert on investment fiduciary responsibility and offers advisors and institutions comprehensive fiduciary education and technology solutions that comply with the industry-recognized Prudent Practices for Investment Fiduciaries, the cornerstone of the fiduciary standard.

The fi360 Toolkit for Advisors is a powerful web-based analytical and reporting software solution that offers more than 20 different areas of functionality to help advisors deliver fiduciary-quality asset allocation, portfolio construction, and performance reporting services to their clients. Its powerful investment research capabilities incorporate Morningstar data to deliver detailed performance information on every option in a client’s lineup, as well as a proprietary fi360 Fiduciary Score® that rates its suitability as a prudent investment choice.

fi360 and MacroRisk Analytics have formed a strategic relationship that provides MacroRisk subscribers 10% off their first purchase of the fi360 Toolkit for Advisors in addition to a 10% discount on the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) and Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst® (AIFA®) Designation Training programs. The AIF and AIFA Designation Training programs offer the most comprehensive education available on investment fiduciary responsibility and are delivered to thousands of investment professionals every year. For more information, call 866-390-5080 ext.228 or email


FinaMetrica specialises in risk tolerance and investment suitability matters. The FinaMetrica risk profiling system is based on a psychometric test of personal financial risk tolerance. Psychometrics, a blend of psychology and statistics, is the scientific discipline for testing attributes such as risk tolerance. Launched in 1998, the system is now used by 5,500 advisors in 23 countries in seven languages. To date, more than 850,000 tests have been completed. The FinaMetrica system enables advisors to make valid and reliable assessments of their clients’ risk tolerance, incorporate those assessments into the financial planning process and explain risk more meaningfully. More information: